
Finally the new Demiurge Design website has been launched, it has taken a while because I’ve been busy doing my job, it was started well over a year ago. However it turned out to be the busiest year ever, with some new clients and repeat business from existing clients. So it lurked in the background waiting patiently for more input, which only seemed to happen sporadically, the usual pattern being a flurry of activity around midnight.

I’ve yet to finish the portfolio section, but this will be done in the coming weeks and of course I will add new things over time.

The change came about because after 10 years of the same website it was long overdue. The previous site was Adobe Flash so couldn’t be viewed on mobile phones or tablets, which of course is crucial now. This site was created using WordPress, which is compatible on all devices.

Well that’s about it for now until my next midnight flurry.

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